How To Post Relationship Status On Facebook News Feed | Floridahottopics

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Sharing relationship status is a means of expressing commitment and connection to their loved ones or partner.

When a person changes his/her relationship status it’s displayed on their profile page, news feed or may trigger notification to his friends.

Facebook offers its users to select a range of relationship status like “single”, “married”, “engaged” and more.

Sharing your relationship status on your profile makes your family members and friends to get informed about your current romantic situation.

Sharing your relationship can help in fostering a sense of connection and closeness with your family members and friends and also your followers on facebook community.

If you want to post or update your relationship status on facebook you can follow these easy steps mentioned below:

Steps To Post Relationship Status On Facebook News Feed

  1. First step is to Login your facebook account by using your Username and Password in your mobile device or laptop.
  2. Once you successfully logged in to your facebook account, here you locate the “What’s on your mind?” box normally located at the top of the news feed.
what is in your mind
  1. News feed is the boc where you can create any new post you want.
  2. Clock on the box to activate it and then you will see the cursor is blinking in the box gives an indication that now can type anything here.
  3. Now you can write your relationship status here.
  4. Facebook gives you the option to select your relationship status like “married”, “single” or “married”. Or you can select any other status that accurately represents your current relationship status.
  5. If you want to include the name of your partner, you can tag them in your post by typing the “@” symbol. When you type the ‘@’ symbol in the news feed box the list of all your friends show here. From the showing list you can tag your partner by selecting his/her name.
type relationship message
add tag and pics
  1. If you are comfortable to share any other news or information about your relationship status you can write here if you are  comfortable by doing so.
  2. After writing your relationship status and tagging your partner, the next step is to select the privacy settings. You can select the privacy by selecting the “audience selector button” (usually shown next to the “post” button).
  1. From here you can select the privacy of your post like “public”, “friends” or customize your audience.
  2. Once you are satisfied with your post, click on the “post” button. 
  3. Now your post is done, and it will be visible to the audience you have selected. 
make your relationship status public

Can I post my relationship status on facebook without specifying the person’s name?

Yes, you can share or update your relationship status without specifying the person’s name. When you are posting or updating your relationship status you can choose to keep it general. Facebook provides many options to customize the level of detail or information you want to share with your family members, friends or with your followers on your facebook account.

Follow these steps to post/update relationship status without specifying the person’s name:

Log in to your facebook account on your device by your username and password.
Now click on the “about” locatec below to your profile picture.
Scroll down to the “relationship and family” section on your screen and then click on the “edit” button.
In the relationship status field, select your relationship status ( married, single, engaged).
Now if you don’t want to mention the partner name you can leave the partner name field blank.
You can also delete the existing name of your previous partner.
Now click on the save button to save the changings.