Celebrate in Style: 5 Exciting Things to Do on St. Patrick’s Day

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St. Patrick’s is a cultural and religious holiday of Ireland, celebrated on the 17th of March every year. St. Patrick originated as a remembrance day to honor Saint Patrick who brought christianity in Ireland in the 5th century.

St. Patrick celebrations are part of Irish culture and heritage, not only in Ireland but also in the countries with significant Irish populations all around the world.

Here is an ultimate guide for you to celebrate St. Patrick’s day with more devotion and more excitement.

Wearing Green on St. Patrick’s

Wearing green on St. Patrick’s day celebration is a popular tradition associated with Irish culture and identity.

One reason is that wearing green is associated with Ireland’s nickname “Emerald Isle”, which refers to the country’s rich green landscapes. Green is also associated with the renewal, spring and rebirth of nature.

Moreover, during the 18th and 19th century green color has become associated with Irish nationalism and hope for independence from British rule. Wearing green  was seen as a pride for the Irish nation and heritage.

There are many ways to wear green on the St. Patrick day according to your personal choice and style:

Clothing: You can wear green dresses like Frocks, T-Shirts , Paints, Trousers, Jeans, Sweaters and accessories like Hats, Scarfs, Gloves and socks in green color.

Face Paint: Apply face paints og green color. You can draw different patterns with green color on your face or body and also you can apply temporary Tattoos with Irish symbols.

Accessories: Beautify yourself with different kinds of accessories with different shoes and style but in green color. You can wear necklaces, earrings, bracelets and watches of green color.

Green makeup: To create a festive look, you can go with green makeup like green eyeshadow, eyeliner or lipstick with green color.

Hair Accessories: To add a touch of green color to your hair you can wear green hair bands, bows and ribbons.

Nail Art: You can apply green shaded nail paint on your nails or you can draw special St. Patrick themed designs with rainbow and shamrocks. 

Attend a Parade

In many cities significantly in Irish communities attending a parade on Patrick’s day is an enjoyable way of celebrating this holiday.

Parades have become a prominent tradition On Patrick’s day, these parades offer an enjoyable and festive atmosphere for people of all ages to come together and celebrate it.

Attending a parade on St.Patrick’s day offers many benefits and experiences like it provides an opportunity for you to immerse in the Irish culture and tradition because it includes traditional dancing, costume music and floats which feature a vibrant display of Irish culture.

While attending a parade the people of all ages from different cities come together which shows and promotes the unity and community of Irish people.

Colorful decorations, music and cheers of crowd create a festive and enjoyable atmosphere all around that automatically adds enjoyment to the celebration.

To attend the Patrick’s day parade you can find a local event listing in your area or you can checkout the community websites or contact with the event organizations in your area .

Determine the parade start time, routine and any specific guidelines for parade entrance.

To secure a good viewing spot you should try to arrive at the parade point as soon as possible.

Cook an Irish Meal

Cooking an Irish meal on St. Patrick day offers you to explore the culinary heritage of Ireland and also to add a special and delicious touch to your celebrations.

St.Patrick itself falls during the christian season of Lent, which typically means abstaining from meat and lay-back food.

Traditional Irish cuisine is known for its comforting dishes which includes meat, cabbage, potatoes, beef, lamb and seafood.

Traditional Irish cuisine offers a wide range of taste, texture and flavor which reflect Irish history and geography.

Cooking a meal on St. Patrick’s Day, with its different taste and flavor allows you to gather your family members and friends to gather around a table to share the memorable culinary experiences.

When you are wondering about dishes to cook on St. Patrick’s day, here are some classic dishes to consider:

Corned Beef and Cabbage: This is an essential dish to cook an St. Patrick’s day. It is cooked with beef and served with  cabbage, potatoes and carrots.

Irish Stew: Irish stew is a comforting dish which is made of lamb or beef and mixed with onion, potatoes and root vegetables. This dish is normally made up with a blend of herbs like thyme and parsley.

Irish Soda Bread: it is a unique texture dish made of baking soda, flour mixed with buttermilk and salt. It is rusted and soft bread in nature.

Boxty: It is a type of potato pancake made with raw and mashed potatoes. Buttermilk and flour is also used to make pancakes.
Colcannon: It is a traditional Irish dish made of mashed potatoes with buttermilk, and cooked with cabbage, scallions or leeks.

Organizing a Treasure Hunt

Organizing a treasure hunt is a joyable, fun and engaging activity for both children and adults.

A treasure hunt encourages active participation among people of all ages. Treasure hunts provide the opportunity to organize a competition and may help your family members and friends to build the quality of problem-solving and team work.

Organizing a treasure hunt on St. Patrick day adds an extra layer of excitement, fun and joy on this holiday.

This treasure ultimately gets together your family members and your friends to take a small break from their busy schedule and make unforgettable memories together.

Depending upon the weather, the treasure hunt can be organized outdoors to enhance outdoor activities. The participants get an opportunity to explore their surroundings and fresh air.

To organize a treasure hunt you should firstly choose the suitable location for your treasure hunt such as park, garden or indoor. You should also consider the age and qualities of the participants while organizing a treasure hunt.

Then you should make a series of clues that help the participants to move from one place to another.

Discuss the rule for playing and then provide the first clue to the participants and let them begin their search.

Once the treasure hunt is completed, gather all the participants and enjoy the success of participants.

Take a Virtual Tour of Ireland

Taking a virtual tour of Ireland can be an immersive way to explore the beauty, culture and history of Ireland on St. Patrick’s day.

Ireland has many beautiful landscapes, castles, ancient ruins and vibrant cities. 

By taking a virtual tour instead of a physical tour you have a choice to visit amazing sites like Cliffs of Moher, Ring of Kerry, or Dublin’s Trinity College and the Giant’s Causeway according to your choice and taste.

The Irish have a rich culture and great heritage. By taking a virtual tour it may provide you with historical narratives, informative insights about the places you are taking a virtual tour. 

Virtual tours provide you the facility to explore different places according to your own choice and convenience. You can explore historical places and heritage of Ireland from the comfort of your home on your android mobile, tablet or laptop.

For this purpose you should first explore the website over the internet that provides the historical and informative content about the Irish culture trend and heritage on the St. Patrick’s day.

Explore video platforms and online streaming services that broadcast the documentations and travel shows specific to Ireland.

On the other hand VR provides you with more exciting and interactive exploration and Ireland landmarks and landscapes.

Host a Potluck

Hosting a potluck is a festivity associated with St. Patrick’s day is celebrated with colleagues, friends and family members and can be a source of delight and spirit among the community.

A potluck provides a great opportunity for sharing meals with one another. To create a diverse and flavorful spread of food, it’s an opportunity to showcase a variety of dishes, culinary skills, traditional Irish foods and culinary skills.

Hosting a potluck makes an event where everyone participates makes a great feeling and gathering.

It reduces the stress and workload on the host, and everyone shares the responsibility for celebration.

At this event participants try to make unique dishes inspired from the traditional Irish dishes by putting their own twist to the recipes. It is a chance to share culinary traditions and different experiences related to the food.

To organize a potluck you should send invitations to all guests by mentioning the time, location and theme of the potluck or some specific request related to the theme like Irish-inspired dishes.

Communicate all guidelines and restrictions to all participants to ensure that all participants can enjoy the food safely and comfortably.

As a host it’s your responsibility to provide basic necessities like water, beverages and napkins. 

At the end of the hotluck show some gratitude to all participants for their contributions and participation, also thank them for creating a memorable St. Patrick’s theme.