7 must know Chia Seeds facts to remember

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Chia seeds are considered one of superfoods because they are heavily packed with nutrients

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Nutritional analysis

Chia seeds are rich in nutrients like minerals, omega 3 fatty acids, a bit of protein and antioxidants.

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Family tree of chia seeds

Chia seeds come from Salvia Hispanica plant which is a member tree of mint family

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Historical use

Chia seeds were used by the runners and athletes to gain energy boost before race in 3500 B.C by Mayan civilization

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Fiber rich source

Fiber in 2 tablespoons of Chia seeds contain one third of daily recommended intake which is 30 grams.

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Chia seeds for controlling inflammatory diseases

Omega 3 fatty acid in Chia seeds can help in decreasing inflammation and decrease risk of chronic diseases

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Chia seeds for weight loss

Promoting feeling of fulfillness chia seeds can reduce appetite which is good for weight loss

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Nutty and gel like taste

Nutty flavor of chia seeds make their use inevitable in smoothies and shakes